The Band

Richard Woodfin

Richard Manwaring

Richard Hewlett
Two Richards met in a rehearsal studio and discovered they shared similar musical tastes and desires, these being to stop playing in covers bands, something they had done for some years, and to start the journey of writing and recording their own music. After a long search they found a third Richard, with a similar history and also having the same creative ideas and musical aspirations. Meetings were had, plans were made, song ideas prepared, rehearsal rooms were booked and the journey began. The result:

As with any band the purpose is to enjoy – but not just the playing together. Enjoy the seed that leads to an idea, enjoy developing the song, putting it down and lastly the final result. The start of a song could come from anywhere. The initial unspoken connection between us was to be as open as possible, to feel comfortable with the track and put together a groove. We also felt we should not be constrained by our abilities. If an arrangement called for an instrument or sound outside our skills, the intention was to find that musician or singer from whatever background.
So we’ve had great performances from Pete Dugdale in Australia, James Knight, Wily Bo Walker and Basia Bartz in London, George Auckland in Manchester, Lui Konig in Munich and Roger Askew and Holly Harrigan in Sussex and Trevor Vallis in Kent. They have filled in the gaps to bring a new dimension to the songs.